Sunday, December 23, 2012

semester break mood activated !

i know its kinda funny ,
having semester breaks after only 3 weeks of studies.
LOL much ? lantak pi.
nikmat Allah bagi , kita sama sama tunjuk rasa syukur

so , cuti nie punya plan memang banyak
kalau boleh semua benda nak buat
but as usual ,
the problem is that i aint got many !
i mean i have money , but not really that much
like much but not like what other people have
 what am i saying? shitbrickkkkkk

so the point is , having insufficient money is a trouble that cannot be overcome by single effort
because of its many aspects. all in all , money is everything ! *evil laugh

cut the crap , 
in all the list need-to-be-done i have , the really catchy one is trying to get a practical place.
mana nak cari ? siapa boleh bantu ? ade ke orang nak ambek aku kerja? uitm nie takboleh ke tolong cari? ehh bagi betis nak peha pulak aku ni kan? alang alang bagi lah dada sekali hihihi.

anyone kalau tahu pasal any construction company , can u just give me a ring?

owh masa jumaat harituh , geng uitm datang ambek aku bawak jenjalan.
dorang nie sayang betul kat aku en? lmfao 
tapi aku tak shopping pon , teman je. 
and at last dapat bagi diorang test TOMYAM SIAM  kat situ.  my favorite place , i mean one of.

mereka lah yang datang.
gedik , suka sangat naek bas dari medan gopeng

see , gambar nie ditangkap dari atas. ehem so nampak kurus lah
 so thank you haikal , aliff , zaty , arif & qayyum for coming
seronok. tapi nak tercabut kaki aku ! semua kedai nak masuk 2 kali.
oppss ter-mengeluh pulak.
but , i enjoyed the day with you guys
p/s : masa korang seronok shopping , aku lepak sorang sedut each-a-cup hihihi sedap !



the best !
so ini je gambar ade dalam phone aku, 
sem nie malas tangkap gambar.
sebab ade orang dah bawak tab
so semua gambar dalam tuh hikhikhik

till then,
bye bye  


  1. jumpa aku in real life dulu ! hahahaha bila nak pulang? aku cakap tak percaya. even fenner pon tertipu. abu biasa ah, die dah masak dengan aksi gambar aku hahaha
